Analysts of the Swiss financial holding UBS Group recommend investors who will find the strength to survive the months of the volatility of the British currency, catch it in the fall in the process of Brexit."When quotes reach extreme levels, buyers, as a rule, return to the game," the company representatives said."Over the past week, the pound has experienced a lot of trials against the background of a series of resignations in the British government. However, if the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Theresa May, fails to conduct a "divorce" agreement through the parliament, the pound risks being under even greater pressure," they added.According to experts, in this case, the British currency may fall in price to $ 1.20, a level that has not been observed since October 2016."We believe that even in the case of the implementation of the" hard "Brexit scenario, the GBP / USD pair is unlikely to fall below this mark," UBS experts said."As for the EUR / GBP pair, levels above 0.95 should be considered as attractive entry points," they say.
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