The price on Tuesday moved up in the side channel. This is the result of a combination of technical and fundamental analysis. The price today tested 1.2673 for the second time - a rolling level of 23.6% (yellow dashed line), but could not break through. Today, strong calendar news out at 22.00 and 22.30 Moscow time.
Trend analysis (Fig. 1).
On Wednesday, an upward movement is possible with the second attempt to break through 1.2673 - a rolling level of 23.6% (yellow dashed line).
Fig. 1 (daily schedule).
Comprehensive analysis:
- indicator analysis - up;
- Fibonacci levels - up;
- volumes - up;
- candlestick analysis is neutral;
- trend analysis - up;
- Bollinger lines - down;
- weekly schedule - up.
General conclusion:
An upward movement is possible with the second attempt to break through 1.2673 - a rolling level of 23.6% (yellow dashed line) on Wednesday.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company -